Research networking and the role of the medical librarian




research networking, collaboration, biomedical research


Medical librarians work collaboratively across all units and missions of academic medical centers. One area where librarians can provide key expertise is in the building and maintenance of Research Information Management Systems (RIMS). At Penn State, the RIMS implementation team has included a medical librarian, research administrators and marketing staff from the College of Medicine (CoM) since its inception in 2016. As our peer institutions implemented or expanded their own RIMS systems, the CoM team has responded to their questions regarding details about the Penn State RIMS instance. The goal of this commentary is to describe how the CoM team has worked collaboratively within Penn State to address questions related to research output, with special emphasis on details pertaining to questions from other institutions.

Author Biographies

Robyn Reed, AHIP, Harrell Health Sciences Library, Penn State College of Medicine

MA, MLIS, Harrell Health Sciences Library, Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey, PA

Matthew J. Eyer, Penn State College of Medicine

BA, Multimedia Specialist (Web Content, Design and Development), Office of Strategic Marketing and Communications, Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey, PA

Megan M. Young, Penn State College of Medicine

PhD, MBA, Assistant Director of Research Development and Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey, PA

Sarah K. Bronson, Penn State College of Medicine

PhD, (former) Associate Dean of Interdisciplinary Research, Director of Research Development and Associate Professor of Cellular and Molecular Physiology, (current) Associate Professor Emeritus, Penn State College of Medicine


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