Journals accepting case reports
Case Reports, Journals, PublishingAbstract
Background: Few resources exist to support finding journals that accept case reports by specialty. In 2016, Katherine Akers compiled a list of 160 journals that accepted case reports, which many librarians continue to use 7 years later. Because journals’ editorial policies and submission guidelines evolve, finding publication venues for case reports poses a dynamic problem, consisting of reviewing a journal’s author guidelines to determine if the journal accepts case report manuscripts. This project aimed to create a more up to date and extensive list of journals that currently accept case reports.
Case Presentation: 1,874 journal titles were downloaded from PubMed. The team reviewed each journal and identified journal titles that accept case reports. Additional inclusion factors included being indexed in MEDLINE, accessible on the internet, and accepting and publishing English language submissions.
Discussion: The new journal list includes 1,028 journals covering 129 specialties and is available on the Open Science Framework public page.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Terri Gotschall, Angela Spencer, Margaret A. Hoogland, Elisa Cortez, Elizabeth Irish

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.