Association Record

2019 Audited schedule of changes in net assets


Volume 108, Number 4: E18-E20
Received 07 2020: Accepted 07 2020

The table below summarizes the association’s financial status as of December 31, 2019. For a more complete audit report and related information, see the Audited Financial Statements 2001–2019 (members only). This report includes balance sheets, fund status reports, budgeted and actual revenues and expenditures, and a schedule of investments. Members may obtain a copy of the audit report from MLA headquarters.

Table 1

Medical Library Association schedule of changes in net assets by fund year ended December 31, 2019

  Net assets January 1, 2019 Contributions and other revenue Invest-ment return Net assets released from restrictions Expenses Net assets December 31, 2019
Net assets without donor restrictions
 General operating ($150,671) $2,727,216 ($3,003,435) ($426,890)
Other funds:
 Association stabilization $1,688,760 $321,738 ($39,409) $1,971,089
 Capital equipment $2,228 $2,228
 Special purpose $124,228 ($124,228)
 Sections $277,213 $41,150 ($74,042) $244,321
Total net assets without donor restrictions $1,968,201 $41,150 $321,738 $124,228 ($237,679) $2,217,638
Net assets with donor restrictions
 Ysabel Bertolucci MLA Annual Meeting Grant Endowment $31,774 $100 $7,425 ($1,323) $37,976
 Estelle Brodman Award for the Academic Medical Librarian of the Year Endowment $73,205 $7,274 ($817) $79,662
 Naomi C. Broering Hispanic Heritage Grant Endowment $27,743 $50 $6,308 ($2,274) $31,827
 Lois Ann Colaianni Award for Excellence and Achievement in Hospital Librarianship Endowment $26,818 $4,038 ($676) $30,180
 Consumer Health Librarian of the Year Award Endowment $25,898 $6,388 ($1,278) $31,008
 Cunningham Memorial International Fellowship Endowment $153,322 $30,346 ($5,321) $178,347
 Louise Darling Medal for Distinguished Achievement in Collection Development in the Health Sciences Endowment $82,350 $8,918 ($1,388) $89,880
 Janet Doe Lectureship Endowment $56,914 $300 $6,549 ($785) $62,978
 Carla J. Funk Governmental Relations Award Endowment $19,884 $1,442 $4,168 ($180) $25,314
 Eugene Garfield Research Fellowship Endowment $132,075 $166 $30,847 ($1,342) $161,746
 T. Mark Hodges International Service Award Endowment $4,656 $1,224 ($53) $5,827
 Hospital Libraries Section/MLA Professional Development Grant Endowment $48,230 $6,899 ($693) $54,436
 David A. Kronick Traveling Fellowship Endowment $19,923 $8,079 ($352) $27,650
 Joseph Leiter NLM/MLA Lectureship Endowment $78,433 $10,499 ($10,457) $78,475
 Librarians without Borders® Ursula Poland International Scholarship Endowment $27,232 $5,749 ($1,250) $31,731
 Donald A. B. Lindberg Research Fellowship Endowment $302,139 $5,300 $54,376 ($12,366) $349,449
 Majors/MLA Chapter Project of the Year Endowment $18,583 $2,836 ($623) $20,796
 Lucretia W. McClure MLA Excellence in Education Award Endowment $53,656 $980 $9,250 ($903) $62,983
 John P. McGovern Award Lectureship Endowment $126,951 $500 $28,624 ($6,246) $149,829
 MLA Disaster Relief Fund $6,354 $6,354
 Scholarship Endowment $253,915 $16,870 $85,975 ($12,274) $344,486
 Section Project of the Year Award Endowment ($642) ($500) ($1,142)
 Shaping Our Future Endowment $69,920 $1,600 $12,971 ($564) $83,927
 Special Purpose/Librarians without Borders® $139,081 ($40,239) $98,842
 Special Purpose/MLA/NLM Spectrum Scholarships $26,000 ($22,324) $3,676
Total net assets with donor restrictions $1,804,414 $27,308 $338,743 ($124,228) $2,046,237
Total all net assets $3,621,944 $2,795,674 $660,481 ($3,241,114) $3,836,985

BKD, CPAs and Advisors, on behalf of the Medical Library Association,, Chicago, IL

Copyright © 2020 BKD

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Journal of the Medical Library Association, VOLUME 108, NUMBER 4, October 2020